
Friday, August 23, 2019

Islands - Landforms by Lesina and Cleo


Today in Room 1, we are learning to present an Inquiry Presentation by talking about our chosen landform "Islands". I learnt that there are 6 kinds of Major Islands. I hope you enjoy our talk.
By Cleo 

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Fairness & Justice

Fairness & Justice

This is my Word Art for Fairness & Justice. In-Room 1, we were assigned to make posters about Fairness & Justice and what describes it best. These are the words I picked out for my Poster.

Friday, August 9, 2019

Basketball Recount

~Basketball Recount~

The date was August 8th, 2019. Yesterday was a very painful, yet happiest
time I’ve ever experienced. We were heading to the North Shore Event
Centre for our basketball game which was over the bridge. All of us showed
up and we were just waiting for the taxi van to pick us up. It was supposed to
pick us up at 8:45 AM but instead, it took ages to arrive at our school. By the
time the taxi arrived, at the North Shore Event Centre, it was 9:50 AM. We
had already missed out on our first game. The taxi driver apologised to us
and we headed over the bridge. Melita, Ana, and Reyna were sitting in the
front while Anna, Me, Lesina, and Meron were sitting at the back.

After waiting for a bit, we had finally driven over the bridge and we made it
to our destination. We had noticed that many girls were way taller than us.
We even noticed Lily, Paige, and Samantha at the competition. Our old
CTK students. Our first game started and we were versing Kowhai School.
Some of those girls played for clubs while some others gave it a go. It was
a tough competition but we pulled through. 

You know the saying, “Its all fun in games until someone gets injured”. Well
sadly for us, one of our best played, Reyna, sprained her ankle. First Lesina
stopped, then I did, then Reyna bumped into me and she fell down, injuring
her ankle. She had to be lifted up by the coach and we were left with one

That caused a major difference to our play style. We started to lose our
competitive spirit. That was until we saw Auckland Normal Intermediate girls
on the same court as us. Most of their players were short so we had a chance. Altogether we scored ten goals and we got motivated to carry on. One thing that annoyed me was when this Auckland Normal Intermediate girl with curly hair kept on shaking her bum in front of us when she defended. We all complained that it was weird and uncomfortable, but also very funny.

Ever since we played, that opened my eyes to what basketball players have
to go through. It was a very memorable moment for all of us. In the end,
we got picked up and kept on laughing during the drive back. Reyna, Lesina,
and Anna were laughing the most. Overall, I liked getting to have a change
in routine and was vehemently happy with our result. Although we lost all our
games, we still had fun. Maybe next time we could try something like this

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Volcanoes - By Cleo


A volcano is an opening usually in a mountain. Whenever a volcano erupts, it lets out hot magma,
gas, and lava. Volcano eruptions can cause Tsunamis, Flash Floods, and Earth Quakes.
When eruptions happen, they can knock out entire forests. This is also known as a “Wildfire”.

Volcanoes are formed when magma from Earth’s Crust makes its way to the surface, Tech
Tonic plates create Magma as it melts, causing magma inside the volcano to build up inside of it.
Another name for magma is more popularly known as lava.

Volcanoes are classified as three different types which are, Active, Dormant, and Extinct.
Active means there has been recent eruptions.
Dormant means they haven’t erupted for a while but could.
And lastly, Extinct means they haven’t erupted for such a long time that they could never erupt again.

The Earth’s Crust is made up of slabs called Tech Tonic plates.
When the Oceanic plates goes underneath the Continental plate, it causes friction.
Which is also known as subduction. This process could also cause Earth Quakes.

Facts about volcanoes. There are 150 010 volcanoes that are currently active and 80 or
more are underwater. The name volcano originated from the God of fire Vulcan in Greek mythology.
The USA comes third in active volcanoes, they are right behind Indonesia which is second and Japan takes
the cake in first place!

Volcanoes are a very interesting topic/subject to research about.
I bet there are loads of undiscovered volcanoes that are waiting to be found.
Overall… I enjoyed this and although volcanoes are dangerous, they are also intriguing landforms.
I would love to see an active volcano erupt.

Friday, August 2, 2019

Whetu & Nick recount

~Whetu & Nick Recount~

We were finally going to the theatre to see Whetu and Nick. I was way beyond excited, I was ecstatic, to see the film. The one thing I liked was how Nick tried to offer Whetu a handshake but instead, Whetu went into a Hongi. A Hongi is when you welcome someone into your own personal bubble and exchange their breath. 

The one thing I liked is how Whetu spoke Maori for the entire show because Lesina and I found it easy to understand, what she was saying. I was kind of bored though. It was super annoying because the school behind us kept talking. It made it hard to hear the show and my tolerance levels were getting lower each time they chatted. 

The special effects were amazing and blew me away, although the lightning sound effect scared me. The voice-over for Ta Whiri Matea was also pretty mysterious yet amusing. I also found the props on the stage were pretty realistic. Whetu and Nick had their differences. While Nick used his gadgets such as a compass, Whetu used the traditional Maori way by using nature and her navigation skills.

Nick wasn’t the only one who was curious. Whetu was intrigued by Nick’s telescope. Luckily his telescope helped Whetu to find her kite (Manu tukutuku) her only connection to find her Whanau. Ta Whiri Matea, the wind God, helped Whetu and Nick with their journey by blowing their boat across the sea.

Soon enough Captain Cook was unaware of Nick not being on the ship and left him on the Island. Nick started to worry. This made me very worried as well but somewhat excited. Soon enough Whetu managed to find her Whanau with Nick’s telescope and invited Nick along to visit her parents.

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed seeing another theatre show. I would like to see another show in the theatre. I’d love to see a longer and more detailed version of Whetu and Nick.  Maybe Whetu could have spoken more English for others to understand. But in the end… I really enjoyed watching it and hope we could see it again!
By Cleo.