Why is Winter the least favourite?
It has more rain and you can’t go to some places
Why is Summer the most favourite?
Because it has less rain and you’re able to go to the beach
What was the same?
Autumn and Spring were nearly the same
What is different?
Summer and Winter because Summer had 16 more people,
compared to Winter.
This is some interesting findings around peoples favourite season. Why do you think Spring and Autumn were the same? I think it's because summer is hot and we can go to the beach and there is a lot of things we can do during this time, where as Spring and Autumn are still a little cold and rainy. I think your data collection is great. Can you see how this could be used to gain better insights into how we can change our world? Have a look at my students blog on how to find averages which can help with making assumptions about your data Keep up the great work!