Lion Report
Lions are the second largest big cat. They’re usually known as rebellious creatures but underneath all that fur is a territorial and protective big cat. Their golden coat of fur provides excellent camouflage in the savannah and they’re very affectionate towards their cubs.
Male lions have a thick brown coat know as a mane around its neck. Female lions are smaller and have no mane at all. Lions live in this complex social structure called a “pride”. A pride consists of 10 to 15 lions but there can be up to 30 or more lions. A pride has a fully grown male lion, several lionesses and cubs of different genders.
In the wild lions eat big things like antelopes, rhinos, hippos and zebras. One of the reasons why lions need large amounts of meat is because… male lions eat 7 kgs of meat while the female only consumes 5kgs. They also hunt small animals like birds, mice and hares for their cubs.
Special Features
There are many special features about these creatures. For example… A lion’s roar can reach up to 8 kilometres an hour and they can run up 81 kilometres. A lions lifespan is 10 - 14 years if in the wild but in captivity they can survive up to 18-20 years!
If you’re willing to see these majestic big cats then you’ll have to visit Southern and Eastern India but if you’re lucky you might find them in some national parks near you.
These animals are becoming vulnerable and their population is decreasing by 42 per cent. There used to be 200,000 lions a CENTURY AGO but now there's 20,000 left in the world. They’re being hunted for there meat, fur and they’re often used as trophies.
Overall these king of jungle animals is not supposed to be hunted for our own sake. We need to stop all this hunting and killing and leave these animals alone! Let’s show compassion towards these beautiful creatures and admire how well they look after each other within their pride.
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