
Monday, September 24, 2018

Weather Temperatures in Invercargill and Wellington



Which place would you prefer to live in?
I’d prefer to live in Invercargill because of the warmer climate.

What day’s in Wellington had the highest temperatures?

Monday and Friday had the highest temperatures because Monday had a high of 16 and Friday had a high of 16 degrees celsius.

What day’s in Invercargill had the highest temperatures?

Friday had the highest temperature because it was 17 degrees celsius and a low of 6 degrees celsius.
What day’s in Wellington had the coldest temperatures?

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday have the coldest temperatures because they all have a high of 10 degrees and a low of 8 degrees.

What day’s in Invercargill had the coldest temperatures?

Monday was the only day that had the lowest temperatures because it was the only one which had a high of 10 degrees and a low of 4 degrees.

What was the average high temperature for Wellington?

The average high temperature for Wellington was 11.8 degrees celsius.

What was the average low temperature for Wellington?

The average low temperature for Wellington was 7.6 degrees celsius.

What was the average high temperature for Invercargill?

The average high temperature for Invercargill was 12.8 degrees celsius.

What is the average low temperature for Invercargill?

The average high for Invercargill was 2.6 degrees celsius.

What is the highest mode for Wellington?

The highest mode was 10 degrees celsius.

What is the lowest mode for Wellington

The lowest was 8 degrees celsius.

What is the highest mode for Invercargill?

The highest was 12 degrees celsius.

What is the lowest mode for Invercargill

The lowest mode for Invercargill -1 degrees celsius

What is the highest mode for Wellington?

The range for Wellington was 10 degrees celsius.

What is the range for Invercargill?

The range for Invercargill was 16 degrees celsius

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